DFTRA Documents

Privacy, Data Protection & GDPR policies – How we collect, use and store your data.

Policies and procedures – all of our active policies and procedures

Discretionary bids – TRA groups can bid for up to £100 per year to purchase necessary items for their group

TRA Event Insurance – If your group is holding a TRA led event where there will be no council officers present, you will need insurance.

Our plans for the future – See our latest Away Day report and what our plans are for the next 12 months.

Annual Reports – These are published in a bumper edition of our newsletter and contain the main points from our Service Level Agreement end of year report.

Financial Updates – Budget & spend reports from this yearm as well as previous years.

Minutes of meetings – Dudley Federation Board and General meeting minutes

Service Level Agreement – View our quarterly reports produced in line with our Agreement with Dudley council.

Memorandum & Articles of Association – a ‘memorandum of association’ – a legal statement signed by all initial shareholders or guarantors agreeing to form the company, ‘articles of association’ – written rules about running the company agreed by the shareholders or guarantors, directors and the company secretary

Cookie Policy – Our Cookie Policy