About Us

Who we aresee us here

What We Do – see our promotional materials here

At Dudley Federation, our main role is to support the Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs) in our membership in any way possible as well as encourage the development of new TRAs. We also provide other tenants and residents in the Dudley Borough with any advice and guidance that they may need.

We work closely with Dudley Council and their partners which allows us and local communities to participate in the decision making process and be kept up to date with important news.

We hold hybrid quarterly general meetings and produce a quarterly newsletter to keep our members informed. We also send out regular emails to our members and other contacts in between these meetings to keep them fully up to date on any important issues, we also include any information that we think may be useful. You can sign up to our mailing list here.

We are always working to make ourselves more open, transparent and above all – useful to our members (TRAs). On this site you will find details of our service level agreement with Dudley Council as well as documents relating to the running of the organisation.

Here are a few examples of the changes that we have made in recent years:

  • We began to hold online and now hybrid meetings to make them more accessible to our members.

  • Feedback from Council and Partnership Meetings is given at General Meetings

  • Training in co-operation with the Participation Development Team is available to TRAs

  • We also aim for TRAs to be celebrated more for their Achievements, and provide help where needed.

DFTRA History

Dudley Federation of Tenant & Residents Associations (DFTRA) was established in 1991 from a Chair’s and Secretary’s organisation.  It became an umbrella forum that represents Tenant & Residents Associations from across the Dudley Borough.  DFTRA has a close working relationship with numerous partner agencies and actively encourages local communities to participate in the decision making process. DFTRA offers communities the chance to have one united voice.