TRA Event Insurance

Where a Tenants and Residents Association organises an event and they will be managing it on the day, insurance will need to be arranged. Dudley Federation may be able to provide TRAs with this cover, providing we have been given relevant information and notice. In which case this an application form will need to be completed.

If the event is organised by a Dudley Council officer and they are the person in charge, then the Dudley Council insurance will cover the event and this form is not necessary. If you are not sure, please contact the Participation Development Team on 01384 815168.

Please complete the application and submit directly to the DFTRA Board at least 21 days before the event in order for us to confirm with our insurers that we can provide cover. Please keep a copy for your records. Insurance cover is dependent upon a risk assessment form being completed by the group within 7 days of the event; a copy of this will need to be sent to us for our records.

If the event will be happening regularly, for example a weekly coffee morning, please complete this form annually and return to us. However please be aware that dynamic risk assessments must be carried out before each event and any new findings recorded and monitored.

We will contact you to let you know whether your event can be covered and confirm in writing.

Below is an example application for insurance. Please email to request a blank form to complete for your event.